Promotion of Social Justice, Public Welfare, and
Advocacy Against Discrimination
A Leading Voice in Upholding and Enforcing Fair Housing Laws.
CSA San Diego County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose primary mission is the promotion of social justice and public welfare through programs, services, and advocacy against all forms of discrimination, including advocacy for the eradication of housing discrimination to assure equal housing opportunity for all individuals.
CSA San Diego County Services
Fair Housing
CSA is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling nonprofit agency that works to prevent and eliminate fair housing discrimination by enforcing fair housing laws, promoting fair housing outreach and education, and ensuring equal housing opportunities for protected classes.
Human Trafficking & Labor Exploitation
Human Trafficking is defined as coerced or forced labor and confinement of people for the purposes of slavery and prostitution. Learn more about human trafficking and find out how CSA San Diego County helps victims.
Civic Engagement
CSA proactively engages with our communities on issues of fair housing, discrimination, and other social justice issues. We empower our communities and provide forums to voice public concerns and bridge the gap between conventional divides such as race, ethnicity, gender, class and socioeconomic status.
Prevention of Hate Crimes
We partner with San Diego Regional Hate Crime Coalition to coordinate outreach, education, and dialogue regarding bullying, hate incidents, and hate crimes and to provide resources for witnesses and victims. For more information, please visit their website at the button below.
CALHFA Counseling
We are contracted with California Housing Financial Agency (CALHFA) to provide free confidential Rental Counseling, First Time Homebuyer Counseling and Mortgage Counseling services.
Fair Housing is Your Right
Watch CSA San Diego County’s PSA on Fair Housing below:
Fair Housing Protected Classes
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of:
“We found a 3-bedroom apartment we loved in a great neighborhood with good schools and a beautiful park. But the landlord told us to live someplace else that would be better for our family. We filed a complaint with HUD, and now we have a wonderful place to live.”
Housing discrimination isn’t just unfair – it’s against the law. If you feel that you’ve been denied the sale, rental or financing of a home because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability, report it to HUD or your local fair housing center.
Housing discrimination based on any form of religion isn’t just unfair – it’s against the law. If you feel that you’ve been denied the sale, rental or financing of a home because of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, familial status or disability, report it to HUD or your local fair housing center.
It is against the law to consider race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or familial status in any decision regarding rental, sales or mortgage lending. If you believe you may be a victim of housing discrimination, contact HUD or your local Fair Housing Center.
“I found the perfect apartment near a park and public transportation. I asked for a reasonable accommodation for my service dog, but the landlord told me “no pets – try someplace else.” So I called HUD and found out it’s illegal for a housing provider to prohibit service animals. I filed a complaint, and now my dog and I have a great place to live.”
Sex discrimination may include refusing to rent or sell to someone, or treating someone differently, because of their gender, gender identity or gender expression. It may also include sexual harassment by a housing provider or administrator. Also, if you are qualified for a mortgage, but the lender denies the loan because you are on maternity leave–that's a violation of the Fair Housing Act.
A Welcome Message from CSA San Diego County’s Executive Director
Welcome to CSA’s website. I encourage you to explore our site and learn more about our services and our nonprofit that has been around for 55 years, since 1969. I have had the pleasure of serving as the Executive Director of CSA for over 23 years. In 1983, I began my career in fair housing as a housing counselor for the Santa Clara Housing Authority, then became a Spanish legal translator and interpreter in San Diego. I joined CSA as a housing coordinator in 1999, and in 2001, I became CSA’s Executive Director. I have led the agency from its small, humble beginnings to the vibrant community-focused organization it is today. As an immigrant to this country, I truly am passionate about my work and really enjoy working for an agency that promotes equality, social justice, civic engagement, and fair housing. I have a long history in activism for social justice and fair housing and those issues are more important in today’s world. I encourage you to explore, learn and join us in our mission to promote housing opportunities for all.
Estela De Los Rios
Executive Director
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