CSA San Diego County's Fair Housing Program
Fair Housing is Your Right!
CSA San Diego County is a HUD Approved Housing Counseling nonprofit agency whose mission is the promotion of social justice and public welfare through programs, services, and advocacy against all forms of discrimination, including advocacy for the eradication of housing discrimination to assure equal housing opportunity for all individuals.
Founded in 1969, CSA San Diego County has over 50 years’ experience as advocates for equality, diversity, inclusion, civil rights and fair housing.
CSA works to remove barriers for those underserved, diverse and minority populations that most often face systemic discrimination, are denied access to services and are not aware of the benefits of voting and civic engagement.
CSA works to prevent and eliminate fair housing discrimination by enforcing fair housing laws, promoting fair housing outreach and education, and ensuring equal housing opportunities.
All of us are protected by state and federal Fair Housing laws.
Protected classes include:
Marital Status
National Origin or Ancestry
Source of Income
Housing discrimination is illegal and can happen in the following situations:
Refusing to sell, rent, lease or insure housing
Refusing to negotiate for the sale, rental, or lease of housing
Representing that housing is not available for inspection, sale, or rental when it is, in fact, available
Refusing to allow reasonable accommodations or modifications to housing when based on a verified disability
Providing inferior housing terms, conditions, benefits, facilities, or services
Harassing a person in connection with housing accommodations.
Sexual Harassment
Canceling or terminating a sale or rental agreement
Providing segregated or separated housing accommodations.
Other Fair Housing Resources
For more information, check out these fair housing resources:
Need to know more about Fair Housing laws?
Contact us for more information or to file a complaint. CSA’s team of experienced housing counselors provide counseling and education to assist San Diego residents who believe they may be victims of housing discrimination. We document the complaint, conduct investigations of these claims and reporting them to the proper regulatory agencies such as HUD, DFEH and other regulatory agencies.
CSA San Diego County currently contracts to provide tenant and landlord mediation to the following communities:
If your city is not listed above, go to San Diego Regional Fair Housing Alliance to find out who services your city.

How to File a Fair Housing Complaint or Claim
Fair Housing claims are accepted by the following organizations:
In San Diego County, fair housing claims are accepted by CSA San Diego County.
Check Out CSA’S Fair Housing 60 Second Video
English Fair Housing Video
En Español
Spanish Fair Housing Video
الإعلان باللغه العربيه للخدمات العامه
Arabic Fair Housing Video

Disability Protections and Reasonable Accommodations
Sexual Harassment in Housing
Sexual harassment in housing is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by the Fair Housing Act. Sex discrimination is also prohibited by other federal laws.
Factsheet regarding the Covid Tenant Relief Act and the Fair Housing Act
Descargar CSA Factsheet (Español)
Hoja Informativa Sobre la Ley de Estabilización y Alivio Para Inquilinos, Propietarios de Viviendas y Pequeños Propietarios de 2020 y la Ley de Vivienda Justa
CSA San Diego County’s Print PSAs