Disability Protections and Reasonable Accommodations
What is a reasonable accommodation?
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines a reasonable accommodation as “One type of disability discrimination prohibited by the Act is the refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations are necessary to afford a person with a disability the equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.”
An accommodation is necessary when there is an identifiable relationship between the requested accommodation and the individual’s disability. Some examples of reasonable accommodation include: permitting an assistance animal in a no pets building for someone is deaf, blind, has seizures or has a mental disability; or assigning a parking space for a person with a mobility impairment.
In 2004, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice defined a reasonable accommodation as a “change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces.”
How should you request a reasonable accommodation?
A written request for a reasonable accommodation is advisable because it spells out exactly what you need, lowers the chances of a misunderstanding, and provides documentation of your request, should you later need it.
Tenants and prospective tenants, however, can also make accommodation requests verbally. If a landlord denies your request or refuses to consider it because you didn’t make it in writing, be aware that they are misstating the law. If you need an accommodation, the request doesn’t have to come from you directly. A family member, friend, roommate, or anyone else you designate can do it on your behalf.
File a Complaint or Claim
Fair Housing claims are accepted by the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department and the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing. In San Diego County, fair housing claims are accepted by CSA San Diego County.
Free Mediation & Training with CSA San Diego County
CSA San Diego County offers free mediation as a way to resolve claims on a no-fault basis. CSA also provides training to landlords and property managers to promote an understanding of Fair Housing rules and reduce inadvertent cases of discrimination.
If you need help with a Fair Housing claim, or would like to schedule free training, please contact CSA San Diego County’s Fair Housing Program toll-free at (800) 954-0441 or email outreach@c4sa.org.
CSA San Diego County’s Fair Housing Program
CSA San Diego County’s Fair Housing Program is a free service offered to landlords and tenants in San Diego County and funded by the County of San Diego.

47% of housing discrimination claims handled by CSA in the last 3 months of 2015 were related to a disability.
Fair Housing for People with Disabilities
What Landlords and Tenants Need to Know
Most landlords agree that receiving a disability discrimination complaint is cause for alarm and an urgent call to their attorney. In fact, disability discrimination is one of the most common fair housing complaints. But understanding the basic rules for accommodating tenants with disabilities helps landlords and tenants work together and avoid the need for intervention.
First, it’s important to understand what disabilities are protected.
Federal housing laws define a person with a disability as “any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment.” California law expands on this definition to include medical conditions not specifically addressed in Federal rules. This means that landlords need to consider issues beyond those that restrict mobility and require the use of a wheelchair or walking aid. Accommodations must also be made for conditions such as hearing impairment, substance abuse recovery, mental disorders, asthma, pregnancy, and more.
What is a reasonable accommodation?
While landlords are accustomed to accommodating tenants with mobility issues, it’s more difficult to define reasonable accommodations for other medical conditions. In 2004, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice defined a reasonable accommodation as a “change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, including public and common use spaces.”
This means that reasonable accommodation might include allowing an interpreter to negotiate a lease for a hearing impaired applicant, replacing the carpet in a unit for an asthma patient, or assigning preferential parking to a tenant recovering from a medical procedure. It might also include working with a tenant who has violated a lease agreement because of a mental health condition instead of starting eviction procedures.
So how do landlords and tenants agree on reasonable accommodations?
It is the responsibility of tenants with disabilities or medical conditions to communicate their needs to the landlord. Housing providers are only obligated to provide reasonable accommodation when requested. If a tenant’s disability is evident, no further verification is needed. However, the landlord may request written verification of disabilities that are less apparent. It is essential that a landlord give consideration to every accommodation request to determine if the needs of the tenant can be met.
Generally, every landlord should adopt a written policy to guide the process and avoid discrimination claims. It is important to note that when discrimination claims are reviewed, lawmakers do not require proof of discriminatory intent, but only that discrimination occurred, to start the investigation process.
Where can landlords and tenants go for help?
Fair Housing claims are accepted by the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department, the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing, and, in San Diego County, by CSA San Diego County.
CSA San Diego County offers free mediation as a way to resolve claims on a no-fault basis. CSA also provides training to landlords and property managers to promote an understanding of Fair Housing rules and reduce inadvertent cases of discrimination.
If you need help with a Fair Housing claim, or would like to schedule free training, please contact CSA San Diego County’s Fair Housing Program toll-free at (800) 954-0441 or email outreach@c4sa.org.
CSA San Diego County’s Fair Housing Program is a free service offered to landlords and tenants in San Diego County and funded by the County of San Diego.